Building Programming in Design and Construction
Use Case Description
The Building Programming is a central component of BIM planning across all project phases. Any relevant information is collected in one place and can be viewed, edited, managed and evaluated by the project team.
The Building Programming is model-based and merges information from different sources and formats over open interfaces. Each project participant is provided with specific permissions and an agile and tailored view of the project. This requires a coordinated information and naming convention. Furthermore, an underlying organizational structure in the form of an online-based, normalized database is mandatory. Additional information as qualities, room categories, requirements, material qualities, equipment lists, etc. should also be displayed.
The Building Programming not only makes planning coordination more transparent and easier. It is also a platform that is interacting with many other use cases of the creation and delivery phase. Usages and instruments such as evaluations, tenders, LEAN and logistics planning and acceptance are based on structured spatial data. It should be possible to bring builders and engineers closer to the project and to provide a basis for better decisions. Finally, a smooth transfer to Facility Management should be ensured by a smart interface.
Purpose and scope
- Availability of all information for the entire planning team
- Datadrop for the building contractor
- Status comparison
- Checking level of competition
- Management of planning results
- Support of requirement management
- Coordination and consolidation of room specific requirements
- Generation of documentation (room- and type leaf’s)
- Control read / write access per access
- Reporting of project progress
Life Cycle Stages
SIA 112
BIM objectives / benefits
- Active management and coordination of all relevant information at the spatial level
- Single Source of Truth for all data
- Common data environment to data processing
- Joint workspace, anyone works on same platform
- Traceability of responsibilities
- Building Programming automatically generated
Phase-independent during planning and execution
Independent to software
All room information in structured form
Preparation for hand-over and Facility Management
Not included:
Building element catalogue
Coordination of medias
Prerequisite / framework conditions
- BIM Execution Plan
- Harmonized room designation and room numeration
- Central data model
- Typing
- Consolidated planning processes
- Model based generation of rooms
- Element plan including definition of attributes
- Clarification with requirements to Facility Management
Project Group
- Amann, Julian (Singular)
- Hyden, Klaus (IE Industrial Engineering Zürich AG)
- Kessler, Marco (Dachtler Partner AG Architekten)
- Liechti, Matthias (HHM)
- Nyffeler, Anne (PIRMIN JUNG Schweiz AG)
- Peiner, Martin (Henauer Gugler AG)
This work is licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0). Further information can be found at
The use cases reflect the current best practice do not claim to be complete. Use cases shall be understood in the sense of a generally accepted recommendation or guideline from a legal point of view, but rather to support the client and contractor in the application of the BIM method. The use cases must be adapted to the specific project requirements. The examples listed here are not exhaustive. Information is based on real-world insights and is therefore to be understood as best practice and not universally valid. Since we are in a phase where definitions are only emerging, Bauen digital Schweiz can not guarantee the accuracy of individual content.

- Document Type : Use Case
- GUID : A977654C-C53D-40AC-A4E8-B9FE95A5A393
- Identifier : -
- Life Cycle Stage : SIA 112
- Revision : Rev 1.1
- Project Status : Draft
- Maturity level : Outlook
- Published on: Jan 9, 2020
- Last change: Jan 9, 2020
- Publisher: buildingSMART Switzerland
- Author: Amann, Julian
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