Historical Weather Data Collection for Building Energy Modeling
Management Summary
This document aims at describing ‘Historical Weather Data Collection’ use case which is implemented as part of BIM-SPEED EU Horizon2020 project.
Use Case Description
In renovation projects, a good understanding of the as-is situation of the building is required to develop realistic alternatives for renovation. The as-is situation of the building includes not only collecting relevant data for the building but also exterior situation including historical weather data. The as-is building energy models are required to be calibrated with previous years energy bills. Therefore, the real weather data for those specific years is a pre-requisite. Mereen weather service implemented as part of BIM-Speed projects help collecting such datasets. The main use case of developing this service is calibrating building energy models of the building.
Purpose and scope
Aim: The ‘Mereen weather service’ was developed to:
- collect reliable actual historical weather data to be used in building energy model calibration
- increase the accuracy of energy models by calibration
- reduce the time required for collecting such data via other available resources
- introduce a standard procedure for collecting such data from the BIM object and within a cloud platform (i.e., BIM-Speed platform)
Scope: the main benefit of this service is during calibration of building energy models with energy bills. Accurate building energy models are required for understanding the as-is situation of the building, so that renovation alternatives are operational.
In line with the aim of BIM-Speed project, Mereen weather service helps in:
- introducing standard procedure for collecting such data in an easy way
- increasing the accuracy of building energy modeling and consequently the whole renovation workflow
- reducing time required for collecting such data by introducing a plug-and-play solution instead of using other available online services
Life Cycle Stages
ISO 22263
BIM objectives / benefits
One of the main objectives of the BIM-SPEED project is to reduce the time of deep renovation projects by 30%.
On the other hand, increasing the accuracy of the building renovation is another objective of this project. The Mereen weather service helps reducing the time required for collecting historical data dramatically by only some clicks. The retrieved data helps in increasing the accuracy of building energy models via calibration procedure as well.
Figure 1: Common practice versus BIM-Speed approach for historical weather data collection
- For some locations, data for all years are not available, or some of them are not valid. The reason is that Mereen collects data from different sources, and availability of data in the service is dependent to availability of data in those sources.
- The exact GPS location of the building should be determined and retrievable either from the BIM object (ifc file) or selecting on a map
- There are some stations for which data are not valid
Project Group
- Maryam Daneshfar, maryam.daneshfar@tu-berlin.de
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(Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0). Further information can be found at
The documents reflect the current best practice and do not claim to be complete. They should not to be understood in the sense of a generally valid recommendation or guideline from a legal point of view. The documents are intended to support appointing and appointed parties in the application of the BIM method. The documents must be adapted to the specific project requirements in each case. The examples listed do not claim to be complete. Its information is based on findings from practical experience and is accordingly to be understood as best practice and not universally applicable. Since we are in a phase in which definitions are only emerging, the publisher cannot guarantee the correctness of individual contents.

- Document Type : Use Case
- GUID : 2602D61B-4746-458A-AC6F-C196117201C6
- Identifier : BIMSpeed_UC21_TUBerlin
- Life Cycle Stage : ISO 22263
- Revision : V1.0.0.0
- Project Status : Approved
- Maturity level : Example
- Published on: May 10, 2022
- Last change: May 10, 2022
- Publisher: BIM Speed
- Author: Daneshfar, Maryam
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