Assessing operational energy costs and energy performance of buildings using measured data

Management Summary

This document aims at describing Assessing operational energy costs and energy performance of buildings using measured data use case which is implemented as part of BIM-SPEED EU Horizon2020 project, under grant agreement No. 820553,, using the ECOtool, developed by CARTIF and adapted in task 5.2: Interoperability between multidisciplinary BIM tools and services to comply with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) defined in task 4.1: Baseline, KPI and Use Case definition and verification of the BIM-SPEED project. This use case allows to automate the calculation of a set of economic and environmental indicators related to the occupation and maintenance phases of the building renovation, to use it in different phases of the renovation process.

Use Case Description

Purpose and scope

The ‘ECOtool Service’ implemented as part of BIM-SPEED project is developed with the need for the objectives set by the BIM-SPEED Project. It helps in:

    • Reduced time and improved accuracy of results in renovation projects compared to traditional methods, as no user iteration is required in the calculation of the different indicators provided by the tool.
    • Reduce costs, as the user can quickly check the Payback Period for different investment costs depending on the selected renovation options.

Life Cycle Stages

ISO 22263

BIM objectives / benefits

Automate the calculation of a set of economic and environmental indicators related to the occupation and maintenance phases of the building renovation. 

The comparison between the conventional practices to obtain the calculation of a set of economic and environmental indicators related to the occupation and maintenance phases of the building renovation process, with the use of the BIM-SPEED solution (ECOtool Service), as realized from implementation on demonstration sites, is shown in the image below:


The tool needs different inputs from the users, if these values are not correct, the results obtained will be incorrect.

Prerequisite / framework conditions

  • BIM-SPEED (2019) D4.1: Baseline and Use Cases for BIM-based renovation projects and KPIs for EEB renovation. BIM-SPEED Consortium, Berlin, Germany. See (accessed 21/11/2022).
  • BIM-SPEED (2021) D5.2: BIM Connectors for interoperability between different BIM tools and with the BIM-SPEED Platform. BIM-SPEED Consortium, Berlin, Germany. See (accessed 21/11/2022).


  • GUI: Graphical User Interface
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicator

Project Group

  • Álvarez-Díaz, Sonia (CARTIF Technology Centre),
  • Martín-Toral, Susana (CARTIF Technology Centre)



These documents do not claim to be complete. Nor are they to be understood in the sense of a recommendation or guideline that is generally valid from a legal point of view, but are intended to support the client and contractor in applying the BIM method. The use cases must be adapted to the specific project requirements. The examples given here do not claim to be complete. Information is based on practical experience and should therefore be regarded as best practice and not generally applicable. As we are in a phase in which definitions are only just emerging, the publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy of individual contents.

  • Document Type : Use Case
  • GUID : B129ABF5-533A-4290-B7EE-0EB7FBB7ED59
  • Identifier : BIMSpeed_UC19_CARTIF
  • Life Cycle Stage : ISO 22263
  • Revision : -
  • Project Status : Approved
  • Maturity level : Proven
  • Use Case: Approved
  • Processes: Approved
  • Interaction Plan: In Progress
  • Transaction Diagram: In Progress
  • ER: Approved
  • Published on: Feb 20, 2023
  • Last change: Feb 20, 2023
  • Publisher: BIM Speed
  • Author: Álvarez-Díaz, Sonia

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