Management Summary
The BIM-SPEED library is an online database of components for building renovation. The components include parameters which are usable for running energy performance and sustainability (LCA and LCC) analyses. The database is available at
Use Case Description
Purpose and scope
The aim of the BIMSPEED Library is to offer construction building stakeholders a catalogue of the most common BIM objects for building renovation, such as the components used for the building envelope (insulation materials and panels, facades and ventilated facades, windows, external doors), the HVAC systems (Water Heating System, Air/Water Conditioning System, Small VRF, Multisplit, Ventilation) and the DHW system. Each dataset is composed of a set of parameters useful for running energy performance and sustainability assessments, supporting the renovation design and the decision-making process.
Life Cycle Stages
ISO 22263
Prerequisite / framework conditions
The parameters included in the renovation objects are referred to the respective EN or ISO standard. Some examples are: the fire class which is referred to EN 13501-1:2019; the energy class, which is referred to the European Directives depending on the considered HVAC and DHW component (such as “Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1254/2014”); the LCA and LCC data, which are referred to ISO 14040, ISO 14044, EN.
Project Group
- Marco Pepe(,
- Maria Chiara Caruso(,
- Alberto Zinno(
- Valeria Di Paola
All dokuments are licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
(Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0). Further information can be found at
BIMSPEED Library, while trying to guarantee the maximum reliability and completeness of the information, declines all responsibility for incorrect, missing or inconsistent information relating to the website data and contents. BIMSPEED Library does not guarantee that the site or its contents, services or features are error-free or that the use of the site's data and services by the user will lead to the achievement of specific results. The user assumes full responsibility for the use of the site and the functions and services connected to it, especially the data associated with elements created or modified. The user assumes sole responsibility in relation to any activity concerning his account, username and / or password, attributable to his conduct, failure to intervene or negligence. Before data publication, BIMSPEED Library carries out a review of the presence of the data in the packages of the elements created by external users, but in no cases assumes any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, quality or validity of the contents created or modified by user.

- Document Type : Use Case
- GUID : 8F7CA0AE-BB17-402A-A0AA-60A7A88DF547
- Identifier : BIMSpeed_UC18_STRESS
- Life Cycle Stage : ISO 22263
- Revision : V1.0.0.0
- Project Status : Approved
- Maturity level : Example
- Published on: May 10, 2022
- Last change: May 10, 2022
- Publisher: BIM Speed
- Author:
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