SIMBA - Statsbygg's BIM requirements
The basic idea with SIMBA is that all requirements that Statsbygg defines for models (BIM) that can be checked automatically should be checked automatically. This will both provide better control of the quality of the models (...), and free up time for quality assurance to be used to check conditions that require human assessment. There will still in nature be a number of requirements that cannot be machine validated without further ado, but they are still valid requirements.
SIMBA 2.0 contains a completely new set of requirements (requirements set templates), independent of requirements in previous BIM manuals (although relevant requirements from earlier have in many cases been continued), and the requirements sets are set up only for intended use against IFC4 models.
Most updated SIMBA exists in 3 versions: SIMBA 1.3 for IFC2x3, SIMBA 2.0 for IFC4 and SIMBA X for requirements set for existing buildings. SIMBA is published in form of mvdXML and corresponding PDF files. SIMBA 2.0 is divided into 7 disciplines and 4 project phases. Here an example files of SIMBA 2.0 for IFC4 are shared for architectural requirements at the latest design phase.
All can be found here:
Note: Description translated from the SIMBA website (full overview at
Project Group
- Tomczak, Artur (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU))
SIMBA is referenced in UCM, but as such belongs to the Statsbygg (The Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property).
All documents are licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
(Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0). Further information can be found at
The documents reflect the current best practice and do not claim to be complete. They should not to be understood in the sense of a generally valid recommendation or guideline from a legal point of view. The documents are intended to support appointing and appointed parties in the application of the BIM method. The documents must be adapted to the specific project requirements in each case. The examples listed do not claim to be complete. Its information is based on findings from practical experience and is accordingly to be understood as best practice and not universally applicable. Since we are in a phase in which definitions are only emerging, the publisher cannot guarantee the correctness of individual contents.

- Document Type : Standard
- Identifier : SIMBA
- Revision : V1.0.0.0
- Project Status : Draft
- Published on: Jan 17, 2022
- Last change: Jun 21, 2022
- Publisher: buildingSMART International
- Author: Tomczak, Artur
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