Comfort Eye for Indoor Environmental Quality: Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality
Management Summary
The document describes a practical framework for Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) performance assessment of renovation projects, focusing on the occupants’ comfort aspects of thermal, and indoor air quality. Also describes the implementation of BIM for IEQ analysis and the interoperability of the analytical tools with the BIM-SPEED Platform. The tool used for the IEQ assessment is the Comfort Eye.
Use Case Description
The description of the use-case is summarized as:
Purpose and scope
The ‘Comfort EyeTool’ implemented as part of BIM-SPEED project is developed with the need for the objectives set by the BIM-SPEED Project. The Comfort eye allow to assess the thermal comfort and the air quality with the scope of providing support to the residential renovation project. It helps in:
- Methodology and tools for the holistic building performance assessment.
- Framework to compare building performance before and after renovation, considering all main aspects (thermal comfort, indoor air quality, inhabitant’s comfort, etc.)
- Dashboard for KPI (Key Performance Indicators) review to support the design team, stakeholders and inhabitants to select the most optimal renovation solution.
Life Cycle Stages
ISO 22263
BIM objectives / benefits
An innovative IoT BIM BASED system is developed for Thermal comfort and indoor air quality assessment, the Comfort Eye. This sensor allows to perform long term monitoring continuously and in real time. It is composed of two nodes; the IR node and the desk node obtaining thermographic image and detailed information about the air quality of the living environment and helps to plan interventions that lead to improve air quality.
Basically, a methodology to assess KPI (Key Performance Indicator) regarding thermal comfort and Indoor air quality is developed. To improve the analysis and support the renovation a sensitivity analysis is applied. It is used to identify the most critical parameter that create discomfort conditions or the deviation from the required comfort standards. Thus, the retrofit solution should be selected to reduce their impact, improving the building performances and the capacity of the building to reach the optimal comfort conditions and keep it constant.
Fig: Comparison between Common Practice and BIM-Speed Solution
The Comfort Eye is installed in buildings, and is composed by two nodes, the ceiling node and the desk node.
The ceiling node needs the 12V power supply on the ceiling and it is no always available.
The system needs, for the continuous and real time communication of the data, a network.
Prerequisite / framework conditions
BIMSPEED Deliverable 1.1: Methods for architectural, structural, thermal 3D data acquisition of existing buildings
BIMSPEED Deliverable 1.3 : IT solutions to couple dynamic data of the existing buildings to BIM
BIMSPEED Deliverable 4.1 - Baseline and Use Cases for BIM-based renovation projects and KPIs for EEB renovation
BIMSPEED Deliverable 4.3 - Practical framework for BIM-based acoustic, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality
- BIM: Building Information Modelling
- IFC: Industry Foundation Classes
- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
- IEQ: Indoor Environment Quality
Project Group
- Serena Serroni
- Milena Martarelle
- Gian Marco Revel
- Marco Arnesano
- UNIVPM- Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università E-campus
All dokuments are licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
(Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0). Further information can be found at
These documents do not claim to be complete. Nor are they to be understood in the sense of a recommendation or guideline that is generally valid from a legal point of view, but are intended to support the client and contractor in applying the BIM method. The use cases must be adapted to the specific project requirements. The examples given here do not claim to be complete. Information is based on practical experience and should therefore be regarded as best practice and not generally applicable.

- Document Type : Use Case
- GUID : 3D528540-3AF8-4A4B-B363-34FC3231827F
- Identifier : BIMSpeed_UC6_UNIVPM
- Life Cycle Stage : ISO 22263
- Revision : V1.0.0.0
- Project Status : Draft
- Maturity level : Example
- Published on: May 10, 2022
- Last change: May 10, 2022
- Publisher: BIM Speed
- Author: Serroni, Serena Serroni
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